We've arrived. After a 20-something-hour plane journey (who can really keep count of these things when you're chaning time zones? We lost a day in there somewhere, that's all I know...) and much luggage hassle, we arrived in Oz.
Our hostel is in a great location, on Grey St. in St Kilda's. It's the bohemian area of Melbourne, sort of like Greenwich Village, but with a beach. So far no bedbugs (although a woodlouse is being detained for questioning) but plenty of mosquitoes and other flying menaces. Three factors combine to create the mosquito problem:
1. It is hot (90s/ upper 30s)
2. There is no air-conditioning, and thus windows are open.
3. There are no screens on windows.
We're also a little sunburned. And... um... there were some jellyfish on the beach one day, but they seem to have gone away. It's a hard life, to be sure, but we bear our crosses stoically. Just so you wonderful people buried under mounds of snow in freezing temperatures or - worse! - suffering in Dublin where grey skies and rain are the weather report all year round can feel a little less envious of us.
Who am I kidding? Be envious. It's great here.
We're looking for apartments frantically, and have put applications down on five places. The property market is beyond fierce though, so it may be a while before we get something. You're encouraged to tell the landlord you're prepared to pay more than the listed price for a place in order for them to pick your application out of the dozens received to entrust with their darling property, which seems like auctioning rental places. Which is crazy, but we don't make the rules.
Hey guys, glad to hear you're doing well.
It's a balmy 36 degrees (Fahrehnehit!) in New York, which is not bad considering it's been in the teens for the two weeks and there is ice all over the place that really needs to melt.
Good idea doing a blog, I'll definitely be checking back in from time to time. Enjoy the trip! G'day!
Hi guys, welcome to Oz! Enjoy the hot weather while you can, soon enough it'll feel like you're back in Dublin! I actually think that I have never been colder than I was in Melbourne! Lesson learned: head to Target and buy a heater!
While you're at Target pick up a spider pistol, to shoot those giant spiders.
You two are amazing--do you realize you moved to Australia? That's absurd. Just absurd.
The combination of ice, mush, snow, salt, and large puddles lingering in the middle of giant sheets of ice here in NYC is bleaching my sneaks white. And you know how vain I am, so you can imagine how cross this makes me.
hello people - glad it's all going well so far... though there's bound to be something lost or stolen soon with a Haworth in tow! Only kidding! Seriously though Cass, strap the valuables to you..!
Be good,
F x
i hope you both burn... like badly... with blisters
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