We don't have much news at the moment, but I'll give you what we've got. Oh, and don't look for the pictures to match the text. There are no pictures that go with this entry, so I'm just rocking up some left-overs from the zoo and other trips.
For myself, I'm still unemployed, or underemployed. I'm still answering the phones (or not - most of these places don't have much phone traffic) at various offices around Melbourne. I heard nothing last week from the guy who called two weeks ago about the possibility of a sub-editing job. I kept calling him to check up on the status, but I got his voicemail three times and left messages. Once I got him and he said he was in a meeting (I gather this was untrue, or else he wouldn't

After more than two weeks and four fruitless phone calls, I was pretty sure nothing was going to come of the offer. But I kept hounding him, more out of stubbornness and the desire that he have to deal with me than from any real hope that I could get anything from him.
Today he called me back. The first thing he said was "I suppose you think I've been avoiding you." I said "The thought had crossed my mind."

Perhaps being annoying and pestering this guy might just get me what I want.
Leslie and I went to some friends' of his' house the other day for drinks. They're a couple, Ryan and Sara, and Ryan's in Leslie's course. They're Canadian and have moved to Melbourne about as r

Neat trick (and I learned this from Faith, to give credit where credit is due). Go to Google Maps and ask it for driving directions from New York City to Dublin. Read step 23. It's very funny.
1 comment:
Don't worry about matching photos to text all the time. All your photos are fresh to us. Congratulations Cass on your persistance in following up on the journalism job, I really admire such determination. We Irish are all too accepting of the non return of calls and the put offs as if somehow that is the way we deserve to be treated, - "ah sure!" I'm convinced you'll get a job worthy of your talents soon. Love Anne-Marie
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