Sunday, August 19, 2007

New and improved

I used to wonder, if something's new, how can it be improved? But I think it may be that the product is new and an improvement over some old product.

In any event, Leslie and I each have a new product, and both are vast improvements over the old products. A few days ago, Leslie's computer died. His hard drive spontaneously stopped working. Really quickly - we were in the middle of watching a show and it died, and then said it had no hard drive. He took it in to be looked at, and the guy said the drive was completely shot. So today we went into the city and shopped for a new one. His new computer is a Toshiba Satellite. Its vital stats: 200 gig hard drive, 2 gigs of RAM, Bluetooth-enabled, 17" screen and a 3-something card. I'm not sure what it is, but apparently it will make Photoshop run quickly. It also has a fingerprint scanner, which we both think is pretty cool. It's very Jack Bauer. It's probably not strictly necessary, but I think it's not such a bad thing to feel like a secret agent now and then. Leslie says the new computer is built for him. It was disappointing to lose the old one, and particularly all the files on the old one. But the new one is much, much better, and he's happy with it.

As for me, my bike died. I'd worn out the back wheel to the point where it needed to be replaced, and the brakes needed new pads. The guy at the bike shop said it would cost almost as much to fix it as I paid for the bike in the first place. So I bought a new one. Bikes don't really have vital stats, but it's blue. And sooo much easier to ride. It's much more fun to ride, much more comfortable, and takes a lot less effort. I feel like I'm not getting as much exercise out of it when I ride it, though, as it's much more efficient and I don't arrive out-of-breath anymore.

I've started taking dancing lessons. I'm learning funk lessons and hip-hop lessons, but I don't know if I'll keep the hip-hop. I think I might just be too square for hip-hop. I have no aptitude for it, and the class is huge, so when I fell behind I couldn't get back. I felt frustrated and lost, so I don't think I'll go back. But the funk class was tons of fun. It was a very energetic style, and the class was a manageable size, so I was able to keep up.

The cat was sick last week, and was off his food for a few days. But he's much better now, and seems bright and happy and hungry as usual.

Sorry there's no pictures this time either, but we'll try to do better.


Karen Freeman said...

Hi, guys/
I think you owe us three photos, at least: the computer, the bike, and Cassidy doing "funk" dancing, whatever that is! I guess we can live without a photo of the sick cat, and I'm glad Jazz is perky again.

Much love from your old digs. ...

Giles Haworth said...

Glad you both feel you came sunny-side up out of putting new wheels on your computer.

I had to replace both recently as well and have probably lost files in the process that I need not have done. The hard-drive was just said to be dodgy and would need doing sometime when I had another bit of maintenance done so I could easily have stored all I had on disc in advance but put my faith in the new version of Norton, which claimed to have stored all on its server. It may have done but how to get it back is another question. It seems not to recognise my computer with its new drive. I hope I can restore a good deal from earlier back-ups I had done but it is presumably much more critical for Leslie if he had his photograph portfolios on his hard drive.

My bicycle supplier also sold me the same line about "cheaper to replace." How true that was I do not know, as when I got round to the shop and asked for at least some of the fittings to be transferred I was told it had already been passed on to one of the staff's cousin, 'who just needed something to get to work,' not far beyond the range of the sort of things I do on mine, I would have thought.

I, in fact, spent more than the alleged cost of repair as I hope to make an international journey in a few years' time and thought it might be judicious to get a folding bike for the purpose. I have always been very suspicious of small-wheel bicycles, thinking one was likely to get more push for one's pedal out of a good big wheel, but it seems to go at much the same speed and is probably better at getting up serious hills or carrying loads, - as these balance better nearer the ground -, but it seems a bit fussier about rougher road surfaces, even in Manchester and I could not get all the way along forest road awheel when I went out to Monica's 60th Birthday Party in April. It was fine going back the long way round via Frodsham, however, which included some very serious hill work, even more so in the reverse direction last Tuesday, when I met up with Richard for the funeral in Kelsall of Trevor Joinson, the husband of Marjorie, whom Leslie may remember meeting at the farm on occasion. Colin gave a very fine address at the service and it was good to meet up with most of Old Kelsall, who were there in force. I helped bit with the washing up and the number of cups and saucers that kept coming in from the tables was enormous, even though the very well catered for reception was in an apparently quite compact Methodist Schoolroom.

You probably know that Richard was having to get back quickly to prepare for the visit of Fran for a wedding this weekend, as Laracor has been upside down for the re-decorations they will have told you about and he was needed to turn it right way up again, which I hope his back was up to. As you know, Frances is now due back there from Uganda in a couple of days.

When and if I do set out on my journeyings, I will be glad of your advice as to what sort of computer communications travel best but that is a few years ahead, by which time the technology will doubtless have moved on again. Glad you caught both yours on favourable cusps, however.

Best Wishes.