Last week we went back to the shelter and got a new cat. We named him Link after seeing the movie Hairspray (one of the characters is called Link, and it seemed a good name for a cat). He's an incredibly friendly cat, to the point of being a nuisance. He always wants to be in someone's lap, purring,or rubbing himself around your legs. He loves being with us, and if we shut him out of a room we're in he yowls until he's let in. Which is kind of sweet and kind of annoying. He's a very good cat to read a book or watch a movie with, as he purrs quietly on your lap. He's not a great cat to do work on

When we got him home, we got him a bit settled and then went out to get a pizza. We'd shut the living room door, and all the windows were closed. So we were more than a little surprised when we got back and he was nowhere to be found. We looked under the couch, under the coffee table, in the cabinets, but he wasn't anywhere. It's a fairly small room, and he had no access to the rest of the apartment.
We then heard rustlings in the chimney, and bits of soot started falling down. How he'd managed to get up there is anyone's guess. He was so far up that only the tip of his tail was reac

This cat is trouble, to be sure. With Jazz, we could leave food on the table and he'd never touch it. Link tries to snatch it while we're eating. He has a playful and bold personality, always up for a bit of adventuring.
And he thanks my parents for sending us a big box - it's his new hideaway.
1 comment:
Delighted to see the splendid pictures.
I heard a radio review of Hairspray in which the delighted critic was convinced that the film was set to become a classic, due to be seen again and again and known by everyone over the decades ahead. If so, Link should have a name that will be understood throughout his life. I hope that is a good omen.
If you still have sooty chimneys in Melbourne, Leslie may find above average belief in Santa Claus during his Christmas employment.
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