Monday, March 17, 2008

Just ticking along

Nothing to report really but we are planning on doing our cycle around the bay this Easter weekend, so should have some news when we get back.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are still getting on with your life. I was beginning to think we'd never get another blog entry now that you have settled things. Love that shot of Cassidy in Doris Day mode She certainly looks as if she is having second thoughts! We are off to The Aran Islands today where we will join Karen and Steven and Brendan and Elie for several days for archaeology and music. Hope you enjoy your cycle. Take care both of you. Much love Anne-Marie

Giles Haworth said...

If "around the bay" is everything from Cape Otway to Wonthaggi, that seems quite a trip. Hope you have good weather and enjoy it, without the need for too much maintainance en route.

Have just bought a new bicycle myself this morning, - going back to a "proper" bicycle with big wheels, a Trek, after having a little foldable "Birdy" for a year, thinking it might be more suitable for the longish journey I hope to make through several countries in a few years time. I quite liked it but, after it took wing, - to fly in other company -, last Saturday, I thought I would go back to a basic model and look at something more specialised, if appropriate, nearer the time.

Best Wishes.