After the wedding Les stayed in Ireland, but I took off the next morning for New York. I had been warned that three continents in two weeks was a lot, and it truly was. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got there, but it was wonderful to be home. I didn't do anything really touristy, except walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and back and go to Junior's for cheesecake. If you have never been to Junior's, you don't know what good cheesecake is. I had mine for breakfast. It was fantastic.

Seeing my friends was a wonderful homecoming experience. We're all doing a diverse range of things and have all moved on to new jobs, schools and opportunities, but our friendships have endured. We just hung out in diners as always, except instead of talking about the SATs, we now talk about our apartments and jobs. It's weird to see people you've known for so long but who are now in a new context.
Being back in New York made me somewhat homesick, which is a feeling I have not experienced since I've been in Melbourne. At first the city felt dirty, sometimes disgusting and very difficult to live in and get by in. But after a day, I realised that of course New York is those things, but it's completely worth it all. It's not just the subways, or the sheer size of it, or that I can go to a hole-in-the-wall creperie and have dark

But for now, I do love Melbourne. It's not dirty, disgusting or difficult, and it is a vibrant city unto itself. It ain't New York, but what is?

Getting back to Melbourne proved difficult. My travel difficulties started when I tried to fly from New York back to Ireland. I hadn't written down my flight number, and I couldn't find my flight on any of the screens at Newark airport, in New Jersey, where I was supposed to fly out. I panicked, but fortunately I called a friend and he checked my e-mail for me and confirmed that I was indeed in the right place. I found the correct check-in desk, but my flight was delayed by an hour. I was supposed to connect in Atlanta for a flight to Ireland, and I would have missed my connection. The check-in clerk said there was nothing else going to Ireland that night out of Newark, but he could get me onto a flight out of Kennedy, an airport in Queens about an hour away. He said I'd have to get myself to Kennedy, but it was a direct flight. I said OK, so I had to rush to get the bus to JFK. But the seat Delta gave me on this new flight was in business class, so all was forgiven. I felt like a 16-year-old in a liquor store and that the authorities were going to swoop at any moment, as I clearly did not belong among the suits in business class. The flight attendants were

So that turned out to be a change much for the better. The rest of our travel snaggles were not nearly as fortuitous. I arrived in Ireland on Friday morning, and Les and I were due to fly out at 7pm for London, where we were to change to a Qantas flight to Melbourne at 10pm. Dublin Airport was having radar trouble, and flights were running half an hour late. We only had two hours to connect in Heathrow, which is barely enough time, and if we were half an hour late we would miss our Qantas flight. So we decided to buy another earlier flight, a 6pm, figuring it would get us to Heathrow at 7.30 and we would have two and a half hours. We needn't have bothered. The 6pm flight was three hours late, and we didn't arrive in London until 10.30.
After a fruitless trip to the international terminal to try to talk to a Qantas or BA person (the Aer Lingus people had told us to do that in Dublin) and back, we joined a 3-hour queue to talk to Aer Lingus. At 3am we finally got

Leslie's ticket was booked as a single ticket, so she said she could get him a standby ticket for a noon flight out the next day. She said all flights were coming up as full, and standby was the best she could do. She got us a hotel for a few hours and told us to come back to the airport at 8 and throw ourselves on Qantas' mercy, although they would not have to honour my ticket if they didn't want to.
We slept for three hours and came back to see Qantas, and here our luck changed. We encountered a lovely Qantas agent, who gave me no trouble about having two separate tickets.

At noon, he had blessed news. We had flights all the way to Melbourne, in adjacent seats. We checked through our luggage, and he didn't give Leslie any difficulty about his being 8kg overweight other than ribbing him a little about having a heavier suitcase than his girlfriend, when it's usually women who try to carry to much. We got home about a day later than we were supposed to, but we got home.
It's good to be home.
that all sounds horrible - flying is not my favourite activity at the best of times - fair play for shouldering through. i hope you didn't go into work monday? or were you even back by then? i have photos of the moldovan leg of the wedding i can send you fx
Clearly, Home is where the heart is; - otherwise you have a fair few to choose from.
Interested to see the details of your flight hazards, of which I had heard echoes, and to hear that the solicitations of Business Class were not among them. The only time I flew First Class, carving freshly roasted meat at altitude did not seem a good idea, - the fat congealed rather rapidly -, and the exhaustion from the preceding obstacle course of re-routings, which get our kind into such a seat, made me wish for uninterrupted rest, rather that the frequent offers of warm towels, flight information and the like. Glad you were able to be more appreciative.
I have never been able to understand the litany of East Side / West Side / Bowery ... and commercial proper names which seem to describe New York but glad to have it confirmed as a lively place to be, as I hope to be there for a few weeks in about five years time.
Maybe you will be back by then but, meanwhile, I am glad that you are still enjoying Melbourne. Give my regards, if you see any of my friends and relations, in between the successful pursuit of your various endeavours.
Glad to glimpse you briefly in Ireland and to hear that all the celebrations there were a success. If that outcome has not deflected you from your intention to make your own more simple, Ol'a at Eddisbury says she is well able to advise on the compact version, as she married Mike at the drop of a hat, with a total of ten persons present.
In Spiddal at the moment reading your blog in a cafe in the Craft Village. Great to have seen you if only so briefly. Next time make it longer and don't fly through Heathrow which seems to be stressful even at the best of times. Glad you fed your soul in New York Cass as well has being able to indulge in favourite foods. Love to you both Anne-Marie
It's good to be home indeed. After the second wedding party lasting 9 hours, lots of adventures (not always pleasant) and a day spent in Budapest airport I share your enthusiasm of being home.
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