Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack the vote!

We are so excited about Obama's victory. I was interviewed by some Australian media sources.

If you want to see a video, go to this link:

I don't know how long it'll be up. I probably should have put on a nicer shirt, in retrospect...


Unknown said...

Here's your article on The Age, too, if you don't already have the link.

Unknown said...

You look and sound so joyful on the clip Cass. Everyone is very pleased here. As well as you appearing on that clip, your Dad was on Irish radio and your Mom on Irish television yesterday talking about the same event. How about that for a family taking over the airwaves!

Frances Haworth said...

i really liked the clip - listening to you talk is so much better than reading - why don't you and les do video blogs every once in a while... we'd actually get to see ye fxx

Giles Haworth said...

They seem to have taken down your video - abc only offer me a blank Index.

However, unlike my niece, apparently, I am a great admirer of your prose and am always happy to read anything you write.

Did read Age link, however; - literally a case of from Age to Age, one assumes.

Colin was in Manchester the day after, - to see the occasion being marked by a performance of the Gershwins' Of Thee I Sing -, and asked me if there had been any street celebrations here. I did not see or hear of any but did hear later of Obama Parties, at which households gathered with a comprehensive array of televisions and laptops to follow developments through every possible channel.

Was delighted to hear the morning afterwards that one of the main reactions in Kenya was not only the delight that "their man" won but a dedication "We should have elections like that!", so you may have done good through the process as well of the candidate, which needed doing. A radio programme today traced the origins of a more serious best-seller book list in America than in this country back to "the contested election" of 2001, which has since been used as an excuse by several dubious regimes world-wide. It has not always been a "shining star and inspiration"; - aside from the account of the 1924 election in Oil!, which Leslie sent me last Christmas, I have just been reading the purple prose of Walter Hunt's excoriation of the 1906 mid-term election in Colorado, in The Crimson Thread. However, if "Detoxifying Starts Here" you are certainly right that this is of beneficial world-wide importance.

Best Wishes for the future developments now opening to you, as Graduation looms.